The American Institute of Architecture of South Dakota has established the Enrichment Award Scholarship, which is open to any South Dakota high-school graduate enrolled in an accredited architecture degree program in the third year or higher, including graduate students, or any SDSU DoArch student regardless of home state, also in the third year or higher, including graduate students. Preference will be given to new applicants over previous winners. It's made possible thanks to a generous AIA Component Scholarship Award
The goal of the South Dakota AIA Enrichment Award Scholarship is to give students an opportunity to broaden their perspective and deepen their passion for the architectural profession. This unique award allows students the flexibility to craft an individual proposal for an enrichment experience supporting their academic and professional goals. These may include (but are not limited to) travel and study abroad, individual research, architectural competitions, non-profit work, local or community design interventions and built projects. Proposal possibilities are limited only by a student’s creativity.
2021Congratulations to AIA SD Enrichment Scholarship winner Nathaniel Krueger, a graduate student at South Dakota State University DoArch who grew up in Manson, Iowa. In 2020, he graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture with a Minor in Studio Arts. He was a teaching assistant for both an introductory drawing lecture and a first-year architectural design studio and was a member of AIAS and Tau Sigma Delta. He has gained internship experience at Allers Associates Architects of Fort Dodge, Iowa, and Koch Hazard Architects of Sioux Falls. | ![]() |
to AIA SD Enrichment Scholarship winner Zoë Cope, who is attending
McGill University, and the AIA SD Merit Scholarship winner, and Drew
Doyle, who is attending South Dakota State University. |
to Shyanne Kopfmann, Amanda Jamison and Jacob Ricke, all from SDSU
DoArch, winners of the 2018 AIA South Dakota scholarships. |
2017AIA South Dakota presents scholarships to students from SDSU, UNL-Lincoln SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The American Institute of Architecture (AIA) South Dakota has presented SDSU Department of Architecture student Guillermo Gonzalez Cebrian with its AIA Merit Award and split its South Dakota AIA Enrichment Award Scholarship between Gonzalez Cebrian and University of Nebraska-Lincoln architecture student Shayla Dick. Gonzalez Cebrian won the 2017 South Dakota AIA Merit Award, a $1,000 tuition scholarship based on an application and portfolio review. Student submissions are evaluated based on design ability, creativity, graphic clarity, and professional promise. The award is open to students registered in the professional degree program in the SDSU Department of Architecture (DoArch) with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Gonzalez Cebrian, from Monterrey, Mexico, is a fourth-year architecture student at South Dakota State University. He is a research assistant for Professor Federico Garcia Lammers and has been an undergraduate teacher assistant for the Volga design-build concrete studio. He has worked on a variety of outside projects including his own academic research, and community and public works outreach at DoArch. He is the president of the SDSU chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS) and the DoArch International Group (DIG). The 2017 South Dakota AIA Enrichment Award Scholarship was co-awarded to Gonzalez Cebrian and Shayla Dick, who split the $2,500 award. Dick, who grew up in Sioux Falls, is a fourth-year student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln pursuing a degree in architecture and a minor in community and regional planning. She spent this past summer in a service internship with Engineering Ministries International, which allowed her to combine her skills in architecture with her heart for mission work while serving in Nicaragua. The South Dakota AIA Enrichment Award Scholarship provides students an opportunity to broaden their perspective and deepen their passion for the architectural profession. This unique award allows students the flexibility to craft an individual proposal for an enrichment experience supporting their academic and professional goals. Students are encouraged (but not required) to develop their proposal in collaboration with an AIA South Dakota architect, associate member or allied member. The Enrichment Award is open to any South Dakota high-school graduate enrolled in an architecture degree program in the third year or higher, including graduate students. A student is also eligible if they are enrolled in the SDSU Department of Architecture (DoArch) in their third year or higher, including graduate students. Gonzalez Cebrian and Dick were honored in September during the 2017 Leading by Design conference, the AIA South Dakota convention held this year in partnership with the Great Plains chapter of ASLA. Both students presented their research during one of the conference sessions. |
2016 - 2017 AIA SD Enrichment Scholar Emily IngemansenEmily Ingemansen was awarded the AIA South Dakota Enrichment scholarship. A native of Brookings, Ingemansen is a 2011 graduate of Brookings High School. She attended South Dakota State University in 2011-2012 majoring in general studies and decided to take some time off. She started again in 2014 with a major in Architecture and minor in Studio Arts with a Certificate in Ceramics. Ingemansen first learned of Frank Gehry in her second year summer studio at SDSU DoArch.. Last fall, she attended the AIA South Dakota Annual Convention and learned of the Enrichment Award. Her winning proposal was her idea to visit a list of Gehry buildings in the Los Angeles area as well as Las Vegas and document them using 2016 - 2017 AIA SD Merit Scholar Spencer SommersSpencer Sommers was awarded the 2016 AIA South Dakota Merit scholarship. Sommers is a 2010 graduate of Roncalli High School and a graduate student at SDSU DoArch. In 2015 he earned his Bachelor’s of Science in Architectural Studies with a Minor in Construction from SDSU DoArch. He gained his intern experience at CO-OP Architecture in Aberdeen. Spencer has studied abroad in London, Paris, Berlin and has also taken part in travel studies in Chicago, Dallas, and Los Angeles. |
2015 - 2016 AIA SD Scholar
2015-2016 AIA SD Scholar |
2014 - 2015 AIA SD Scholar
2014 - 2015 AIA SD ScholarAIA selected Shawn Barron for the $500 Merit Scholarship Award. Shawn
is a third year student at SDSU Dept of Architecture. He is a graduate
of Washington High School in Sioux Falls, SD.
2013-2014 AIA SD Scholar
2012-2013 AIA SD Scholar Nathan ScottAIA South Dakota selected 4th year architecture student Nathan Scott of Brandon, SD for a $2,000 scholarship award during the 2012-2013 academic year. Nathan is enrolled at Iowa State University.View Nathan's student exhibit |